[zeromq-dev] C API changes for ZeroMQ 4.1.0

Peter Kleiweg pkleiweg at xs4all.nl
Wed Jan 7 22:37:50 CET 2015

Thomas Rodgers schreef op de 7e dag van de louwmaand van het jaar 2015:

> >
> > ZMQ_IDENTITY_FD is get only?
> Yes, given a previously set socket identity (see ZMQ_IDENTITY in
> http://api.zeromq.org/4-1:zmq-setsockopt), it will return the FD of the
> socket associated with that identity.

What is an FD? A file descriptor? What is an fd_t?

There is an option ZMQ_FD that returns a file descriptor. That 
is int or SOCKET, for non-windows or windows. Is this similar?

Peter Kleiweg

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