[zeromq-dev] Security/Encryption in Java

James Gatannah james.gatannah at gmail.com
Thu Feb 19 03:06:14 CET 2015

On Thu, 12 Feb 2015 11:09:54 -0400 Trevor Bernard
<trevor.bernard at gmail.com> wrote:
> Message-ID:
>         <CAGGWQ+Kcsvj4jSbs=rtnz1EpX_QqbKByAYDtVJWpyH_saKpAUg at mail.gmail.com>
> Currently CURVE isn't supported in either JZMQ or JeroMQ. There is a
> very old pull request for CURVE support in JZMQ but it fails travis-ci
> and is likely out of date: https://github.com/zeromq/jzmq/pull/275.

That one's mine, and I feel really guilty that I haven't found the
time to wrap it up.

I think that my fork where that PR comes from is relatively
up-to-date. Technically, my company is about 1 step away from using
that branch in production, so I've been trying to merge changes from
the real jzmq repo when/as I have time.

Then again, I don't have a lot of that, and we aren't actually using
any of those encryption pieces yet. That will change in the very near
future, and the changes weren't drastic (they were mainly just a
matter of learning enough JNI to set socket options). But...I'm not
sure how many more standard disclaimers I could apply here.

I think I got to the goal line and dropped the ball. It's there for
anyone to pick up. I think I'm going to be forced to do so in the very
near future if no one else does...but I've been expecting that for
almost a year now.


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