[zeromq-dev] Notes from a hackathon

Thomas Rodgers rodgert at twrodgers.com
Mon Feb 2 21:36:47 CET 2015

My eventual suggestion was to look at using metadata for this, it is
already there and is per-connection. But there are (currently) a few
problems with using it this way and I wanted to think those through a bit
before making the suggestion.

I am not sure why file_desc was placed where it is.

On Mon, Feb 2, 2015 at 2:25 PM, Doron Somech <somdoron at gmail.com> wrote:

> Currently the router_id is in the last 4 bytes of the 64 bytes message
> size, could this cause alignment issue?
> Regarding the idea to combine it with the file descriptor, I think it can
> cause portability issues in the future, but it might be platform specific.
> Why wasn't it originally in end of the union which can solve the alignment
> issue?
> Anyway in the future we might not need it, because we can query the socket
> with the routing id to get metadata.
> On Mon, Feb 2, 2015 at 10:02 PM, Thomas Rodgers <rodgert at twrodgers.com>
> wrote:
>> Some observations on adding a discrete router_id field to the message -
>> Depending on alignment, this reduces the size of a VSM message by 4 or 8
>> bytes.
>> Does this field really need to be a member of the union? Currently
>> msg_t::file_desc is 64 bit to force alignment, but FDs are 32bit values
>> (even on Windows, where the FD is 64 bits, it will never give values >
>> 2^32). Could we not just pack these two together, and make use of the
>> currently unused bits? It gets rid of the combinatorial expansion of adding
>> fields to each member of the union (at least for this case).
>> On Mon, Feb 2, 2015 at 1:06 PM, Doron Somech <somdoron at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Brian -
>>> The issue is that with the new api and to enable thread safety the
>>> routing id is part of the message. So czmq new api should somehow expose
>>> routing id on the message and/or part of the send message.
>>> On Feb 2, 2015 7:39 PM, "Brian Knox" <bknox at digitalocean.com> wrote:
>>>> Doron -
>>>> I did a test implementation around this idea in goczmq today and I'm
>>>> liking the semantics.  I wrote an interface that conforms to io.Reader and
>>>> io.Writer where you pass a call a byte buffer and you get the message
>>>> placed into it.
>>>> When the socket is a router socket, it silently drops the ID frame
>>>> under the hood, but sets a lastClientID in the socket struct, that if you
>>>> need, you can get with a GetLastClientID call.
>>>> For reference:
>>>> https://github.com/zeromq/goczmq/blob/master/sock.go#L35 (note
>>>> "strings" in go are just immutable byte arrays)
>>>> https://github.com/zeromq/goczmq/blob/master/sock.go#L333
>>>> https://github.com/zeromq/goczmq/blob/master/sock.go#L366
>>>> So if the socket is a router, the Write call just transparently uses
>>>> the lastClientID value.  In a one to one request / reply, you then don't
>>>> need to think about it at all, and if you need to do async work, you can
>>>> get and set the id as needed.
>>>> I'll just move this to use the new API later - just wanted to try it
>>>> out and see how I liked it, and I say thumbs up to dropping frames on the
>>>> new Server / Client sockets.
>>>> On Mon, Feb 2, 2015 at 4:37 PM, Doron Somech <somdoron at gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> So the new sockets are in the github master, you can take a loot at
>>>>> the test to see how to use the new routing id field:
>>>>> https://github.com/zeromq/libzmq/blob/master/tests/test_client_server.cpp
>>>>> Few of the reasons I didn't like multi frames:
>>>>> * I tried in the past to make both zeromq and NetMQ thread safe, think
>>>>> of sending from multiple threads or receiving from multiple threads. we
>>>>> cannot do that with Multipart.
>>>>> * There are a lot of good transport that already implement message
>>>>> framing (UDP, WebSockets, SCTP and even HTTP), but because zeromq required
>>>>> it is own framing it was not easy to add them.
>>>>> * Multipart, router usage (routing id frame) and not being thread safe
>>>>> make the learning curve of zeromq hard to beginners. Without three of them
>>>>> zeromq become much simpler.
>>>>> * At least with NetMQ single part message is much faster than
>>>>> multipart.
>>>>> * New stacks, multipart is complicated to implement, with the new API
>>>>> it will much more easier to implement new stacks (like JSMQ) or any native
>>>>> stack.
>>>>> Pieter I'm looking forward to see how you expose the routing id in the
>>>>> czmq API.
>>>>> I also like the czmq API for sending mutlipart messages (the picture
>>>>> feature) so maybe we can use that to generate single frame which is also
>>>>> compatible with zproto.
>>>>> About the implementation, none of new sockets support any option now.
>>>>> server behave like mandatory router, so when router is not reachable or
>>>>> highwater mark is reached an error will be returned.
>>>>> As ZMTP 3.1 is still in raw status, what do you think of removing the
>>>>> multipart from it? maybe the 3.1 will only support the new socket types.
>>>>> Anyway I really excited about this change.
>>>>> On Mon, Feb 2, 2015 at 4:17 PM, Thomas Rodgers <rodgert at twrodgers.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> What we really want IMO is per-peer metadata, and an API to get/set
>>>>>>> this. Using messages is a hack.
>>>>>> Currently working on that :)
>>>>>> Having two layers that both
>>>>>>> carry per-message data is... wrong IMO.
>>>>>> Protocols supporting 'out of band' data aren't exactly uncommon.
>>>>>> However the key thing is, what's the problem. Then we can discuss
>>>>>>> solutions to that.
>>>>>> I don't have an immediate use-case justifying it. I noted it, mostly
>>>>>> because it has come up a few times since I started paying attention.
>>>>>> On Mon, Feb 2, 2015 at 7:55 AM, Pieter Hintjens <ph at imatix.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> > It seems to me that in order to remove multi-part messages and
>>>>>>> introduce new
>>>>>>> > socket types (e.g. SERVER/CLIENT) that would
>>>>>>> > necessitate a revision of the wire protocol. If we are going to do
>>>>>>> that, it
>>>>>>> > might be worth considering per-message
>>>>>>> > metadata -
>>>>>>> We'd have to be very clear about the problem that per-message
>>>>>>> metadata
>>>>>>> is aiming for. There is an elegance to delivering blobs and nothing
>>>>>>> more. Metadata can be added on top using zproto.
>>>>>>> What we really want IMO is per-peer metadata, and an API to get/set
>>>>>>> this. Using messages is a hack. If we are sending/receiving data on a
>>>>>>> per-message basis, that is the message. Having two layers that both
>>>>>>> carry per-message data is... wrong IMO.
>>>>>>> However the key thing is, what's the problem. Then we can discuss
>>>>>>> solutions to that.
>>>>>>> -Pieter
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