[zeromq-dev] Building & using ZeroMQ with Visual Studio

Matt Bolger matt.bolger.au at gmail.com
Wed Aug 19 06:07:52 CEST 2015

No I'm not calling anything myself - the call to select() is select.cpp:183
and is the first call to it after zmq_socket() is called.

Actually this issue is happened for all the tests that are part of ZeroMQ
(eg. test_client_server, test_immediate etc) which was what lead me to
start wondering if the Winsock branch is being maintained - which was
further enforced by the state of any Windows related docs in the source
tree or website :)

On Wed, Aug 19, 2015 at 10:08 AM, Matt Bolger <matt.bolger.au at gmail.com>

> Hi All,
> Anyone out there successfully building/using ZeroMQ under Windows (MSVC)?
> I'm trying to build/use the current master in GitHub (
> https://github.com/zeromq/libzmq) which has Visual Studio projects as
> well as CMake files. I've built the CMake project (after fixing an issue in
> the MSVC specific stuff - https://github.com/zeromq/libzmq/issues/1517)
> which also builds all the tests but the tests fail the same way my simple
> test program does.
> The first call to WinSock select() always results in WSAENOTSOCK and the
> app bails. I've now tried this on a 64bit Win7 and Win8 machines with both
> VS2010 and VS2013 for debug and release builds with no luck :(
> I get similar aborts when trying to build against the pre-built binaries
> on the ZeroMQ site or building my own with the included Visual Studio
> project files included in the repository.
> Maybe I'm missing something obvious but any help would be great.
> Thanks
> Matt
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