[zeromq-dev] ZeroMQ only working with local loopback

Damian Allen pixerati at gmail.com
Fri Aug 7 01:46:00 CEST 2015

Have no problems connecting server to client on the same machine. When I
push the client to another box on the same network, any attempt to connect
just times out. Is this a code issue or a local network issue? I've had no
other networking issues and I have all firewalls turned off.

Here's the code for the client and server. Like I said, these work fine
when on the same machine using, so I don't get why they'd fail to
connect when using the actual IP address of the server on separate boxes on
the same network…? They'll also connect on the same machine if I use that
machine's IP.

Client (C#):

    //Initialize the client socket to the specified IPAddress and port
    NetMQSocket create_client (string ServerIPAddress, string port)
        ctx = NetMQContext.Create ();
        NetMQSocket theSocket = ctx.CreateRequestSocket();
        return theSocket;

Server (Python):

def _runserver(serverIPAddress, handshake_port):
    sock = zmq.Context().socket(zmq.REP)
    print("\nWaiting to bind at %s on port %s\n" % (serverIPAddress,
handshake_port) )
    sock.bind('tcp://%s:%s' % (serverIPAddress, handshake_port)  )
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