[zeromq-dev] Fwd: 0MQ fails when it goes through a switch

Tony Pedley tpedley at gmail.com
Sun Apr 5 09:55:21 CEST 2015

I am trying to port a legacy application from standard TCP sockets to use
0MQ, initially for performance comparisons

The application (code <http://pastebin.com/C8GsaABA> -
http://pastebin.com/C8GsaABA) is relatively simple. Client(s) send a
request and the server responds with a number of large packets to the

This works great when run on the same machine, but when it was tested on
multiple windows 7 machines(4 clients and 1 Server) the server got the
requests but the clients did not receive any data.

We did some more tests and found that the code worked perfectly if a client
and server were directly connected(i.e bypassing the switch).

I've tried a couple of ethernet switches and both show the same behaviour
(these are small embedded switches)

It is possible I have badly written the large data transfer part, but I
would like to know why a switch would have an effect on TCP comms?

OS:- Windows 7
0MQ 4.0.4
MSC++ Visula studio 2010
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