[zeromq-dev] CZMQ community & red cards

rf at q-leap.de rf at q-leap.de
Fri Oct 17 22:46:15 CEST 2014


just read your tweet:

Dear diary. Banned mrvn from ZeroMQ today. Added "how to detect and ban
bad actors" to C4.1. It's rainy. The cats are playing.

I must say, that this is one of the most distasteful things, I have seen in
a long time. You've really gone way to far here. Bragging about this in
even larger public on Twitter, as if it was a heroic action. I'm incredibly
disappointed and sad about such behavior.

If any respect for others was left from your side, you'd write an apology
on Twitter!


PS: I'm ready to be banned now as well ...

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