[zeromq-dev] ZMQ in ocaml rep socket does not recv all

Kenneth Adam Miller kennethadammiller at gmail.com
Tue Nov 25 09:10:25 CET 2014

In the process of debugging it, I went back to the request socket and
commented out the portion where the reply socket is given an additional
request. So now I have:

==========req socket
send ""
recv request
//... computes result
//send result !!! commented out, never occurs

==========rep socket
recv // ""

send reply //(that is a serialized RPC request)
recv // returns ""    <- why does this occur?

Could this be anything to do with the request socket being closed before
all of the data is sent? Or the context destroyed prematurely? I thought
the linger period default was -1... I don't know to diagnose why the rep
socket can recv, in both cases where the rep socket's second send is
un-commented and when it is commented.

On Mon, Nov 24, 2014 at 5:58 PM, Kenneth Adam Miller <
kennethadammiller at gmail.com> wrote:

> In ocaml I am using ZMQ and piqi to serialize data structures to strings
> and ZMQ to send them around. I'm having a problem where I'm using a tcp REQ
> socket to request work (initially) and a TCP reply socket to send the
> results back. In my unit tests, I can see that the test subvect (worker)
> correctly receives a work request, correctly computes a result, and then
> sends that back to a psuedo (work broker). Basically it goes like this, 1 &
> 2 are concurrent:
> 1) worker sends "" over req to signify that it is ready to receive
> requests. This first request string is empty, but from here on out,
> subsequent requests contain the result of work computation
> subsequently, the worker receives some reply from the psuedo broker; some
> call that maps to a function that is deserialized via piqi parse calls.
> (This part is what I was saying is correct in my test) It correctly
> computes what is desired.
> worker's sending of computed result back out over req string is the result
> of computation and signifies to broker that it is ready for more.
> 2) psuedo broker recvs the empty string, and routes a piqi serialized RPC
> request to the worker.
> psuedo broker should simply receive the computation result. *Instead it
> receives an empty string;* I've checked in the worker code, and it's *not
> sending an empty string.
> Why?
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