[zeromq-dev] Is the JeroMQ available via Maven have the issue #34 fix?

Min miniway at gmail.com
Mon Mar 3 23:08:02 CET 2014


has the commit history. I hope it might help.


On March 2, 2014 at 4:09:35 PM, Mark Wright (markscottwright at gmail.com) wrote:
> I'm using gradle to build a jeromq project with the following 
> dependency -
> "compile group: 'org.zeromq', name: 'jeromq', version: '0.3.2'" 
> I have an inproc thread that serves messages from client threads, 
> and I've
> noticed that if I don't bind() it in the main thread, or put a sleep() 
> before attempting to connect to it, my code hangs.
> That looks like this commit (https://github.com/zeromq/jeromq/pull/35). 
> Has that made it into 0.3.2? I don't know github well enough to 
> be able
> to track that - it was fixed over a year ago, so it seems like it should, 
> but I have no idea how to ask git when something got pushed to the 
> maven
> repository.
> --
> Mark Wright
> markscottwright at gmail.com
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