[zeromq-dev] CZMQ refactoring

Pieter Hintjens ph at imatix.com
Wed Jun 11 17:57:24 CEST 2014

Hi all,

Just a FYI for CZMQ users about the ongoing refactoring.

A lot of the existing infrastructure is going to be deprecated in 3.0.
That includes zctx, zsocket, zmutex, zmonitor, and zthread. Also, zlog
(new, and already dead).

The main goal is simplicity. Removing contexts from the API has made a
big difference (thanks, nanomsg, for the idea!)

A second goal is supporting realistic server apps, such as
zeromq/zbroker, thus work on logging, background processes, etc. The
logging is now in zsys and directs all log output (e.g. zmsg_print)
consistently to a single destination (syslog, stderr, whatever).

The zactor class makes it easy to write async classes (like zbeacon,
zauth, etc.) which look like sockets to their applications.

The changes are significant enough that I think we'll make a 3.0
release for this.


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