[zeromq-dev] How to use the libzmq binaries for Windows?

Steven McCoy steven.mccoy at miru.hk
Wed Jul 23 20:58:17 CEST 2014

Most of the additional libraries that build above ZeroMQ are using
libraries built from the MSVC project or solutions files and not the
prepackaged binaries.  Windows has particular requirements for CRT
compatibility which changes with every compiler release, in addition to
regular version and architecture tags.  It has recently announced that the
CRT is supposed to stabilize around CRT 2013.

One ZeroMQ user is performing CRT magic to make the libraries compatible
with multiple compilers, you will have to check the archives for further


On 14 July 2014 08:37, Full Name <knockoutuser at myway.com> wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> Have this question related to the Windows distribution of ZeroMQ.
> In the http://zeromq.org/distro:microsoft-windows I see tables of libzmq*
> binaries listed. What are they for?
> I'm trying to build the Java Binding for ZeroMQ for Win7 x64 and following
> this guide: http://zeromq.org/bindings:java. The "Windows 64bit Build
> Instructions" works up to "Linking CXX shared library lib\jzmq.dll" where
> it complains about not finding libzmq.lib.
> I'm using the Windows install ZeroMQ-3.2.4~miru1.0-x64.exe with WinSDK 7.1
> (I'm compiling from command line since I don't have Visual Studio) and saw
> those files in the install page. So I renamed libzmq-v100-mt-3_2_4.lib to
> libzmq.lib, tried nmake again and it worked. I have a dll (21KB) and a jar
> (43KB) as output.
> I went with a hunch on that one and happened to work. Is that correct? Is
> that what the listed libzmq* binaries are for or....?
> This is posted on the the project github page also:
> https://github.com/zeromq/libzmq/issues/1128
> Regards,
> koo
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