[zeromq-dev] question about sub/pub speed and capability

Johnny Lee jlee at peaceatwork.org
Mon Jul 14 16:00:04 CEST 2014

general question about sub/pub capabilities:our program needs to quickly send a message to possibly hundreds of receivers. 
let's say we want 1 publisher publishing a single, simple message to 400 subscribers within 5 seconds. 

as I understand that the ZMQ protocol really has the Subscribers "pull" the message 
as oppose to a single sender "pushing out" hundreds of messages to the different receivers, 

how fast can all the of the receiver/subscribers get the message?

would this depend on the "horse-power" of the workstations?
how robust the network infra-structure is?
what would be the limitations that would slow down the message transmission?

please let me know if you need clarifying details.

thank you.

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