[zeromq-dev] How to build czmq.h?

Riskybiz riskybizlive at live.com
Thu Jul 10 16:03:53 CEST 2014

Thanks Pieter for the tip.


In order to build the examples in c in order to do further testing I'm
trying to build czmq on Windows using Visual Studio 2013 Express.  I have
these instructions:



To build on Windows

1.	You need Microsoft
<http://www.microsoft.com/express/Downloads/#2010-Visual-CPP> Visual C++
2008 or newer.
2.	Unpack the .zip source archive.
3.	In Visual C++ open the solution builds/msvc/vsxxxx/czmq.sln.
4.	Build the solution.
5.	CZMQ will be in the lib subdirectory.

I find that the build process is giving errors related to missing files etc.
For example the first error complains that zmq.h file cannot be found.  I
think; OK I know where that is so I paste it into the directory for include
path for the project.  Then it complains that libsodium something or other
is missing.  It's clear that something isn't right here..


Anyone know what options should be specified to get around these issues?


I have the following zeromq software versions located as follows:










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