[zeromq-dev] Short-lived processes

Pieter Hintjens ph at imatix.com
Wed Jan 29 16:06:29 CET 2014

On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 11:23 AM, Randall Nortman <rnzmq at wonderclown.net> wrote:

> I need to send zeromq messages from very short-lived processes, and
> I'm wondering how best to go about it.  When I say short-lived, I mean
> on the order of 10-20ms (with all messages going to either localhost
> or over a fast LAN, so this is feasible at least in principle).

I did some tests: https://gist.github.com/hintjens/8689783

Very roughly:

- inproc: 323 ms / 1000 handshakes
- ipc: 680 ms / 1000 handshakes
- tcp: 1100 ms / 1000 handshakes

So your fastest option is to connect over ipc:// to some
longer-running process. As Lindley says, you don't need POLLOUT; you
can send and it'll block until the connection is ready.

You cannot rely on a timeout. You have to use a 2-way flow
(dealer-router, usually) and get back an acknowledgment. That'll add a
hundred microseconds or so, but it'll be faster without random delays.


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