[zeromq-dev] Inter thread communication for scalability

Kenneth Adam Miller kennethadammiller at gmail.com
Fri Jan 17 04:11:48 CET 2014

On Wed, Jan 15, 2014 at 8:36 AM, Goswin von Brederlow <goswin-v-b at web.de>wrote:

> On Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 01:16:32PM -0500, Lindley French wrote:
> > In this case your "buffers" are really just messages, aren't they? A
> thread
> > grabs one (receives a message), processes it, and writes the result into
> > another buffer (sends a message).
> >
> > The hard part is that ZeroMQ sockets don't like to be touched by multiple
> > threads, which complicates the many-to-many pattern you have going here.
> > I'm no expert, but I would suggest....
> >
> > Each "pool", A and B, becomes a single thread with two ZMQ inproc
> sockets,
> > one push and one pull. These are both bound to well-known endpoints. All
> > the thread does is continually shove messages from the pull socket to the
> > push socket.
> >
> > Each thread in "Thread set 1" has a push inproc socket connected to pool
> > A's pull socket.
> >
> > Each thread in "Thread set 2" has a pull inproc socket connected to pool
> > A's push socket and a push inproc socket connected to pool B's pull
> socket.
> > For each message it receives, it just processes it and spits it out the
> > other socket.
> >
> > The thread in "Thread set 3" has a pull inproc socket connected to pool
> B's
> > push socket. It just continually receives messages and outputs them.
> >
> > This may seem complicated because concepts that were distinct before
> > (buffer pools and worker threads) are now the same thing: they're both
> just
> > threads with sockets. The critical difference is that the "buffer pools"
> > bind to well-known endpoints, so you can only have a few of them, while
> the
> > worker threads connect to those well-known endpoints, so you can have as
> > many as you like.
> >
> > Will this perform as well as your current code? I don't know. Profile it
> > and find out.
> >
> >
> > On Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 12:23 PM, Kenneth Adam Miller <
> > kennethadammiller at gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > > So, I have two pools of shared buffers; pool A, which is a set of
> buffers
> > > of uncompressed data, and pool B, for compressed data. I three sets of
> > > threads.
> > >
> > > Thread set 1 pulls from pool A, and fills buffers it receives from
> pool A
> > > up with uncompressed data.
> > >
> > > Thread set 2 is given a pool from A that has recently been filled. It
> > > pulls a buffer from pool B, compresses from A into B, and then returns
> the
> > > buffer it was given, cleared, back to pool A.
> > >
> > > Thread set 3 is a single thread, that is continually handed compressed
> > > data from thread set 2, which it outputs. When data is finished
> output, it
> > > returns the buffer to pool B, cleared.
> > >
> > > Can anybody describe a scheme to me that will allow thread sets 1 & 2
> to
> > > scale?
> > >
> > > Also, suppose for pools A and B, I'm using shared queues that are just
> C++
> > > stl lists. When I pop from the front, I use a lock for removal to make
> sure
> > > that removal is deterministic. When I enqueue, I use a separate lock to
> > > ensure that the internals of the STL list is respected (don't want two
> > > threads receiving iterators to the same beginning node, that would
> probably
> > > corrupt the container or cause data loss, or both). Is this the
> appropriate
> > > way to go about it? Thread sets 1 & 2 will likely have more than one
> > > thread, but there's no guarantee that thread sets 1 & 2 will have equal
> > > threads.
> > >
> > > I was reading the ZeroMQ manual, and I read the part about
> multi-threading
> > > and message passing, and I was wondering what approaches should be
> taken
> > > with message passing when data is inherently shared between threads.
> All those threads get confusing. Lets draw a picture:
>    +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
>    |                                                                    |
>    v                                                                    |
>  Pool A          Thread Set 1         Router X                          |
> PULL-PUSH --==> PULL-read-PUSH ==--> PULL-PUSH --==> PULL Thread Set 2 PUSH
>                                                          \            /
>                                                           +-compress-+
>                                       Pool B             /            \
>                                      PULL-PUSH --==> PULL              PUSH
>                                       ^                                 ||
>                                       |                                 ||
>                                       +----------- PUSH-write-PULL <--==++
>                                                       Thread 3
So, I believe this is pretty close, but if I'm right, but you created a
router to deal with a N-M situation, when in actuality a slightly different
configuration is needed in order to make that work. I could be
understanding this wrong, but after I looked at the examples some more, I
think things started to finally click. I think the multi-threaded example
given in the manual that used a router and a dealer required that the
sockets be of type REQ and REP in order to work. I don't think that PUSH
and PULL is, at least not according to the reference guide on zmq_socket.
Is that correct? I'm pretty sure that the only thing that you got wrong is
to illustrate that router takes requests in from thread set 1 and shuttles
them out to thread set 2 as replies.

> At the start "Pool A" and "Pool B" allocate a number a buffers and
> push them (messages containing a pointer to the buffer). Just make
> sure the high water mark is high enough for all buffers to fit.
> After that all processes recv() from their PULL sockets and send() to
> their PUSH sockets.
> Note 1: -= denotes a 1-to-N connect and =- a N-to-1 connect
> Note 2: I inserted a router process "Router X" to avoid a N-to-M
> connection between thread set 1 and thread set 2. The "Router X" gives
> both thread sets a single fixed address to connect to. Not sure if
> that is required.
> Was that what you invisioned?
> MfG
>         Goswin
> PS: Do you need buffer pools? Why not just allocate buffers as needed
> and free them when done? Is that to limit the total number of buffers
> or is your malloc()/free() the limiting factor?
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