[zeromq-dev] libzmq.so.3 for zeromq4-x

Pieter Hintjens ph at imatix.com
Tue Jan 14 09:49:00 CET 2014

The ABI numbering indicates compatibility. The product version
indicates code changes. The two are different things.

On Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 9:36 AM, Klaus Ita <koki.eml at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi fellow zeromqers!
> I am currently working on updating our ZMQx::Class package to ZMQ::FFI and
> zmq4. What really jumps to my view is that build scripts generate
> libzmq.so.3 and libzmq.so.3.1.0 but the version reports as 4.0.4. Would it
> make sense to call the files libzmq.so.4.0.4 so we can have multiple
> versions of zeromq installed on the same machine?
> The only explanations i would have for the current implementation is that
> 1.) the code just did not get updated (fair, i would like to help here)
> 2.) the API has not changed, there is no reason for renaming (but then, why
> bounce the release number?).
> Thank you for your valuable feedback on this!
> lg,k
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