[zeromq-dev] How do we activate and connect to WiFi hotspots in edgenets?

Bruno D. Rodrigues bruno.rodrigues at litux.org
Wed Jan 8 15:46:18 CET 2014

I don’t know too many details about FON, but we have an ISP in Portugal that provides FON over all their clients (if they accept) and as soon as I connect to one FON hotstpot, the device automatically connects to any other. No idea if it’s just because it’s the same name, or if there is any other value that is forced to be the same, but somehow it is possible.

On Jan 8, 2014, at 12:03, crocket <crockabiscuit at gmail.com> wrote:

> People may be able to devise an algorithm for automatically turning on hotspots in several smartphones among many.
> But, even with hotspots turned on, how do phones connect to each other if smartphones simply refuse to connect to randomly named hotspots?
> Should we forcefully rename hotspots to a predetermined name(e.g., "edgenet") and agree to connect to hotspots named "edgenet"?
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