[zeromq-dev] inproc bind/connect order and GET_FD/EVENTS

Michael Haberler mail17 at mah.priv.at
Mon Jan 6 21:47:18 CET 2014

I saw some work being done on inproc sockets being relaxed wrt bind/connect order

it seems inproc sockets still have an issue when the GET_FD/EVENTS scheme is used.

inproc: connect then bind - works
inproc: bind then connect - no events delivered on GET_FD fd

all other variations I tried (tcp, ipc) work in any order

testcase: http://static.mah.priv.at/public/zinproc.c
gcc -g zinproc.c `pkg-config --cflags --libs libczmq`   -o zinproc

./zinproc     # inproc, connect then bind - works
./zinproc -r  # inproc, bind then connect - no events delivered on GET_FD fd

# these all work fine
./zinproc ipc://foo
./zinproc -r ipc://foo 
./zinproc -r -u tcp://
./zinproc -u tcp://

please advise what to do with this (file a bug? make a testcase if this is legit use? fixing might be above my paygrade;)

- Michael


commit ecb9770947f6eacc5ab016eb32cbd60d6b614953
Merge: c7e3efb 96f5fdd
Author: Pieter Hintjens <ph at imatix.com>
Date:   Mon Jan 6 04:46:52 2014 -0800

    Merge pull request #809 from hurtonm/master
    Simplify ypipe_t and ypipe_base_t template parameters

commit 3b8686cdb06901a461f1e9ca125b25ec77ccd4b7
Merge: b5730c5 90b73ee
Author: Pieter Hintjens <ph at imatix.com>
Date:   Mon Jan 6 12:24:43 2014 -0800

    Merge pull request #355 from mhaberler/zloop_timer-doc-fix
    zloop_timer: correct documentation of return value

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