[zeromq-dev] zmq performance (send / recieve)

Cheng, Yi yi.cheng at hp.com
Fri Jan 3 01:55:56 CET 2014


I am trying to squeeze zmq to extreme.

I am using pub / sub model, in my test I have only 1 pub, and 1 sub.

The result I see is that pub/sender (800Mbps) is faster than sub/receiver (480Mbps).

Does that mean the sub/receiver is the bottle neck already?

1.       I have tried big message size 1000bytes, and small message size 50bytes, looks like 480Mbps is optimal.

2.       I have tried ZMQ_DONTWAIT, looks no improvement.

3.       I have read the perf test which is using pull and push, I have tried that as well, similar number I get. (I tried that test, it tells big number, but that is not continuous test.)

4.       I have tried multi-thread in the client to read, but that is not helpful.

5.       I have tried both on the same machine and on different machines, similar figure.

Is there any suggestions to improve? I think there is big space to improve. I am looking at 10 times more performance.

Attached are my files. I am using libconfuse for configuration reading.

Appreciation for help.

Cheng Yi
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