[zeromq-dev] How should sockets be destroyed?

Olaf Mandel o.mandel at menlosystems.com
Mon Feb 24 12:29:00 CET 2014

Am 24.02.2014 12:21, schrieb Diego Duclos:
> As far as I'm aware, the closing happens on the network thread, which means
> that by the time your loop reaches the socket limit, the sockets probably
> haven't been closed yet ?
> On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 11:32 AM, Olaf Mandel <o.mandel at menlosystems.com>wrote:
>> When trying to figure out what happens on zmq_close(), I run into
>> zmq::socket_base_t::check_destroy(), which never seems to do anything.
>> Here socket_base_t::process_destroy() is a virtual overload of
>> own_t::process_destroy(), and it seems to be called from a single place:
>> zmq::own_t::check_term_acks() . [...]

Hello Diego,

I just ran a test with a 100ms sleep inserted in my loop: I still fail
at exactly the same socket number. The socket does not seem to be closed
at all.

Best regards,
Olaf Mandel

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