[zeromq-dev] debugging curve handshake

Laurent Alebarde l.alebarde at free.fr
Fri Feb 14 14:51:02 CET 2014

Does the selftest test_security_curve pass ?

Le 14/02/2014 14:39, Drew Crawford a écrit :
> Hello folks,
> For some reason, a message sent from the REQ side of a REQ/ROUTER 
> isn't arriving.  I know from experience this is some kind of CURVE 
> issue, but I have stared at my curve usage for several hours now 
> without seeing the problem.  I'm hoping to collect some general 
> strategies on how to debug curve authentication issues as I seem to 
> hit problems like this from time to time.
> Some notes:
>   * It's definitely a curve issue, as when I turn off curve
>     authentication on both sides everything works fine.
>   * Everybody's on zeromq-4.0.3
>   * I'm reasonably sure the issue is client-side, as a test client
>     written in Python authenticates with the server successfully.
>   * The server's ZAP handler is never called, so something bad is
>     happening very early
>   * I've checked the obvious things: the server's port is open, the
>     client is setting all three
>     and ZMQ_CURVE_SERVERKEY to what look like reasonable values
>   * Client and server don't have any zeromq errors returned during
>     send, receive, or setsockopt
>   * Server is running pyzmq on python 3.3 on Darwin, client is a C
>     client built for the iPhoneSimulator which is i386-apple-darwin.
> An obvious next step is to verify at the TCP level that a connection 
> is being established, but I'm not totally sure what I can check that 
> would verify that.
> Beyond that I am interested in your thoughts on what I should test.  I 
> really think there should be some better errors for CURVE issues as I 
> seem to get stuck here a lot.  But for now I will settle for 
> understanding what is wrong...
> Drew
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