[zeromq-dev] Connection refused error exclusively in Dockerized app

Pieter Hintjens ph at imatix.com
Mon Dec 29 09:25:10 CET 2014

Is this using the same version of ZeroMQ in both cases?

On Mon, Dec 29, 2014 at 1:02 AM, Kenneth Adam Miller
<kennethadammiller at gmail.com> wrote:
> I found out that doing a socket connection on an inproc that hasn't been
> bound to yet before is what is causing the error. Strange thing is, in
> docker this fails with an exception. On my host, it works fine.
> Does anybody know what the best path forward would be? I basically have a
> subscriber being launched before the publisher, just as the missed message
> debugger says I should. Those subscribers make connect calls, but the
> publisher makes a bind. Every thing works as required on the host. But in
> docker, it blows up at the connect line.
> What do I do to get it to work?
> On Thu, Dec 25, 2014 at 10:51 AM, Kenneth Adam Miller
> <kennethadammiller at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I have a dockerized ZMQ instance where I am trying to develop an app. I
>> have duplicate source both inside the docker instance and at the host level.
>> I can compile both inside and out with duplicate compiler output and both
>> compile.
>> The problem is, there has to be some difference between the docker ubuntu
>> instance and the host, because when I run the docker ubuntu instance, I get
>> an error at runtime with my unit tests:
>> terminate called after throwing an instance of 'zmq::error_t'
>>   what():  Connection refused
>> But the unit tests run to completion on the host.
>> I've debugged it, and put print statements, and I know for certain that
>> the docker instance is failing at a socket connect call.
>> sock = new zmq::socket_t(ctxt, ZMQ_SUB);
>> sock->connect("inproc://something");  //<-- FAILS HERE!
>> Currently I have some confusion as to why it works this way in the host,
>> because I have a subscriber connecting to an inproc instance that doesn't
>> have anything bound at yet, but the missing message problem solver in the
>> ZMQ guide says start subscribers first and then the publisher. In any case,
>> it works very well on the host.
>> Can anybody tell me how to debug a connection refused error?
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