[zeromq-dev] EINTR and company

Dorvin dorvin at tlen.pl
Fri Dec 19 12:45:40 CET 2014

W dniu 2014-12-19 o 10:33, sven.koebnick at t-online.de pisze:

> Formerly (using V2), I nearly never got EINTR-returns. Now, I get plenty
> of them (not only in debugging, but also when just running without any
> disturbance). I did what was recommented by compiler docu etc.: I
> retryed, until sending, receiving or polling was a) successful or b)
> delivered a real (not temporary) error (which only happens, when it in
> deed should).

Things changed between V2 and V4. For EINTR please read 
. In general you may usually ignore signals unless you really need them, 
f.e. to react on SIGINT (read guide for this).

> That sound pretty complicated, but worked for two years now with ZMQ V2.
> At different positions the requests or the answers get lost in ZMQ
> (!!!). I assume, I did something wrong, so I'd like to ask, if s'one had
> the same problem and allready fixed it, because I do not have anymore
> ideas where to look. A symptom is, that for about 60-100 messages, I now
> get 10 to 15 EINTR returns and I guess, that this has something to do
> with my lost messages.
I'm not sure if losing messages is related to EINTR. I'd rather say your 
code is not prepared fully for V4. For example you should check return 
values for -1 for failures and not being not equal 0. Please see API 
docs for details on particular functions. I can't tell what else should 
be verified as I don't know your code. In general - check your 
application against all contracts in V4.


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