[zeromq-dev] Implementing zeromq security.

Pieter Hintjens ph at imatix.com
Wed Dec 10 15:09:02 CET 2014

You want to read http://rfc.zeromq.org/spec:27 to start with.

Then, build libzmq after building/installing libsodium, and then work
through the tests/test_security_curve.cpp example.


On Wed, Dec 10, 2014 at 2:42 PM, Riskybiz <riskybizlive at live.com> wrote:
> I’d like to implement zeromq security on my interpretation of the ‘clone’
> pattern and have been checking out:  http://hintjens.com/blog:48 &
> http://hintjens.com/blog:49 .  The security examples use CMZQ.
> Because CZMQ is not available to me on Windows I have created my own poll
> reactor and multipart message code in C++ to mimic the clone pattern; I know
> this is reinventing the wheel but it was the only practical means available
> to get the functionality needed on the platforms I use.
> In the same vein I’ll have to create the security implementation from
> scratch.
> My questions are:
> Does anyone know of any good resources  / examples demonstrating which RAW
> zeromq api calls need to be made to implement zeromq security?  Seems like I
> should try and aim for the IronHouse pattern.
> Is it simply a case of setting requisite socket options and providing
> correct security keys?
> Are the handshaking processes which establish connection authenticity
> handled behind the scenes?
> What elements of the security process does zeromq provide for and what needs
> to be coded by the user?
> Does zeromq need to be built differently with security options enabled?
> Any assistance to get started is much appreciated,
> Thanks,
> Riskybiz.
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