[zeromq-dev] Docs

Steve Murphy murf at parsetree.com
Sun Dec 7 16:12:25 CET 2014


A few quick notes on API docs for libzmq and czmq:

1. the ∅MQ (or is that ØMQ?)  4.2.0 API Reference on the web site
    Advertises zmq_pgm twice. Don't know which github repo covers
    this, or I'd do the pull request thing. actually, ALL the versions,
    3.2.6 on up, they all have this same typo.
2. Would it be possible to make the CZMQ web API reference work
    like the libzmq API ref, in that it presents a set of different
    and you can select the one that you are interested in? Right now,
    I know, it lists "old" funcs as deprecated, etc, but, it gets a little
    confusing, determining which functions/options are available in
    older releases, etc.



Steve Murphy
ParseTree Corporation

✉  murf at parsetree dot com
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