[zeromq-dev] Question on ZMQ_POLLERR -- what exact error(s) this flag should represent?

Artem Vysochyn artem.vysochyn at gmail.com
Thu Sep 26 22:59:41 CEST 2013

Sorry, the typo: >>>> ... driving non-ZMQ-sockets ...

2013/9/26 Artem Vysochyn <artem.vysochyn at gmail.com>:
> hello there,
> I'm reading the api guide, http://api.zeromq.org/3-2:zmq-poll, and a
> bit confused by definition ZMQ_POLLERR.
> Here it's:
> For standard sockets, this flag is passed through zmq_poll() to the
> underlying poll()system call and generally means that some sort of
> error condition is present on the socket specified by fd. For ØMQ
> sockets this flag has no effect if set in events, and shall never be
> returned in revents by zmq_poll().
> <<
> 1. So does it mean  that this flag is sort of "internal thing" for
> zmq_poll() for driving non-sockets?
> 2. External clients of zmq_poll() will not benefit from it  if they
> pass to poller ZMQ_POLLERR as event of interest?
> Thanks in advance.
> -artemv

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