[zeromq-dev] Trouble building CZMQ master with libzmq installed to ${prefix}/lib64

KIU Shueng Chuan nixchuan at gmail.com
Sun Sep 22 05:20:19 CEST 2013

According to
it seems it's going to be a problem to have distro packaged zmq development
headers in /usr and libzmq master in /usr/local

Current workaround, install libzmq master to home user directory:
./configure --prefix=/home/user/local

To compile CZMQ against system installed ZeroMQ 3.2.2:

To compile CZMQ against user's own libzmq
CFLAGS=-I/home/user/local/include LDFLAGS=-L/home/user/local/lib64

I couldn't get the following options to do what I wanted:
--with-libzmq, --with-libzmq-include-dir, --with-libzmq-lib-dir

On another note, shouldn't the libzmq installed libraries get their version
bumped to libzmq.so.4?
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