[zeromq-dev] ZeroMQ 3.2.3 and jeromq 0.30 SNAPSHOT
Michael Scofield
bayinamine at gmail.com
Wed Sep 11 04:54:52 CEST 2013
It's ok that server using Jeromq and client using 0mq(c++). In fact, that's
how our app communicates with the server.
2013/9/11 St. Aubin, Albert (US SSA) <albert.staubin at baesystems.com>
> Is jeroMQ compatible with ZeroMQ 3.2.3? I am attempting to create a
> server that is a subscriber with publishers that connect to it. I have the
> Server binding to a socket setup as the subscriber and I am attempting to
> receive messages that are being sent by a publisher that tried to connect
> to the server. The publisher is in Java using JeroMQ and the subscriber is
> C++ using ZeroMQ.****
> ** **
> Is there any way to check when a connection is made to a socket that is
> bound? I am using the Pub/Sub examples in the Guide and jeroMQ Guide
> examples.****
> ** **
> Thank you for any help in advance****
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