[zeromq-dev] jeromq mdlclient2 loses/lost messages

Roger roger.ne.ll at gmail.com
Fri Sep 6 23:09:10 CEST 2013

I'm using jeromq.

I ran the mdworker, mdbroker and mdclient2 (the async example) and the 
client loses about 15% of the messages.

If I run msclient (sync example) all messages are received.

To exaggerate the message loss, and record the number of messages lost I 
made a few changes to mdclient2.

import org.zeromq.ZMsg;

 * Majordomo Protocol client example, asynchronous. Uses the mdcli API to 
 * all MDP aspects

public class mdclient2 {

  public static void main( String[] args ) throws Exception {
    boolean verbose = ( args.length > 0 && "-v".equals( args[ 0 ] ) );
    mdcliapi2 clientSession = new mdcliapi2( "tcp://localhost:5555", verbose 

    System.out.println( "Sending" );
    int count, recvCount = 0;
    for( count = 0; count < 100000; count++ ) {
      ZMsg request = new ZMsg();
      request.addString( "Hello world " + count );
      clientSession.send( "echo", request );

    System.out.println( "Sleeping" );
    Thread.sleep( 5000 );

    System.out.println( "Receiving" );

    for( int i = 0; i < 100000; i++ ) {
      ZMsg reply = clientSession.recv();
      if( reply != null ) {
      else {

    System.out.printf( "%d requests, %d replies\n", count, recvCount );


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