[zeromq-dev] czmq and beacon ...

itlists at schrievkrom.de itlists at schrievkrom.de
Thu Sep 5 00:31:20 CEST 2013

Am 04.09.2013 21:38, schrieb Pieter Hintjens:
> Can you find where it's crashing, i.e. run under a debugger and get a
> stack trace?
I compiled it against 3.2.3 with debugging symbols. The code crashes in 
zbeacon.c Ln739,
because self-transmit is NULL.

     //  If valid, check for echoed beacons (i.e. our own broadcast)
     if (is_valid && self->noecho) {
         byte  *transmit_data = zframe_data (self->transmit);
         size_t transmit_size = zframe_size (self->transmit);
         if (size == transmit_size && memcmp (buffer, transmit_data, 
transmit_size) == 0)
             is_valid = false;

      msvcr100d.dll!_wassert(const wchar_t * expr=0x697d9b94, const 
wchar_t * filename=0x697d9b6c, unsigned int lineno=220)  Line 325 C
      czmq.dll!zframe_data(_zframe_t * self=0x00000000)  Line 220 + 0x1d 
bytes    C++
 >    czmq.dll!s_beacon_recv(agent_t * self=0x0c39b1b0)  Line 735 + 0xc 
bytes    C++
      czmq.dll!s_agent_task(void * args=0x00000000, _zctx_t * 
ctx=0x0c39a428, void * pipe=0x0c39ac68)  Line 415 + 0x9 bytes    C++
      czmq.dll!s_thread_shim(void * args=0x0c397d80)  Line 112 + 0x1e 
bytes    C++
      msvcr100d.dll!_callthreadstartex()  Line 314 + 0xf bytes    C
      msvcr100d.dll!_threadstartex(void * ptd=0x0c289440)  Line 297    C
      [Frames below may be incorrect and/or missing, no symbols loaded 
for kernel32.dll]

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