[zeromq-dev] zeromq-4.0.1 Test Failures

Pieter Hintjens ph at imatix.com
Fri Oct 25 09:54:17 CEST 2013


Could you test again from libzmq master? There was a patch yesterday
for the failing stream test.


On Fri, Oct 25, 2013 at 12:15 AM, Robert Szabo
<robert-sz at moving-picture.com> wrote:
> Hi Pieter
> I'm having a very similar problem to Hemant's but for me the Zeromq 4.0.1
> test-suite succeeds on CentOS 6.2 but errors on CentOS 5.5 instead.
> CentOS 5.5 - gcc version 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-48) - GNU Make 3.81
> I've added your debugging code to test_stream.cpp and re-run it. Here is the
> output:
> lt-test_stream: test_stream.cpp:122: void test_stream_to_dealer(): Assertion
> `memcmp (buffer + 54, "\4\51\5READY", 8) == 0' failed.
> 03 (.) 00 (.) 4E (N) 55 (U) 4C (L) 4C (L) 00 (.) 00 (.)
> 00 (.) 00 (.) 00 (.) 00 (.) 00 (.) 00 (.) 00 (.) 00 (.)
> 00 (.) 00 (.) 00 (.) 00 (.) 00 (.) 00 (.) 00 (.) 00 (.)
> 00 (.) 00 (.) 00 (.) 00 (.) 00 (.) 00 (.) 00 (.) 00 (.)
> 00 (.) 00 (.) 00 (.) 00 (.) 00 (.) 00 (.) 00 (.) 00 (.)
> 00 (.) 00 (.) 00 (.) 00 (.) 00 (.) 00 (.) 00 (.) 00 (.)
> 00 (.) 00 (.) 00 (.) 00 (.) 00 (.) 00 (.) 00 (.) 6B (k)
> 8B (.) 45 (E) 67 (g) 04 (.) 29 ()) 05 (.) 52 (R) 45 (E)
> 41 (A) 44 (D) 59 (Y) 0B (.) 53 (S) 6F (o) 63 (c) 6B (k)
> 65 (e) 74 (t) 2D (-) 54 (T) 79 (y) 70 (p) 65 (e) 00 (.)
> 00 (.) 00 (.) 06 (.) 44 (D) 45 (E) 41 (A) 4C (L) 45 (E)
> 52 (R) 08 (.) 49 (I) 64 (d) 65 (e) 6E (n) 74 (t) 69 (i)
> 74 (t)
> /bin/sh: line 5:  3069 Aborted                 ${dir}$tst
> FAIL: test_stream
> Any idea why test_stream is consistently failing on CentOS 5.5 ?
> Thanks,
> Rob
> ------------------------Quoted email-----------------------------
> Hi Hemant,
> Thanks for reporting these test failures. If you're getting them
> systematically then you can certainly help us diagnose them.
>> lt-test_linger: test_linger.cpp:86: int main(): Assertion `(size_t) rc ==
>> size' failed.
>> /bin/sh: line 5: 18395 Aborted                 (core dumped) ${dir}$tst
>> XFAIL: test_linger
> This is an "expected" fail, it's a known issue in ZeroMQ. Nothing to do
> here.
>> lt-test_stream: test_stream.cpp:112: void test_stream_to_dealer():
>> Assertion
>> `memcmp (buffer + 54, "\4\51\5READY", 8) == 0' failed.
>> /bin/sh: line 5: 18478 Aborted                 (core dumped) ${dir}$tst
>> FAIL: test_stream
> Could you add this after line 105, and report what it prints?
>     //  Dump received buffer (for debugging failures)
>     int byte_nbr;
>     for (byte_nbr = 0; byte_nbr < 97; byte_nbr++) {
>         if (byte_nbr % 8 == 0)
>             printf ("\n");
>         byte value = buffer [byte_nbr];
>         printf ("%02X (%c) ", value, isprint (value)? value: '.');
>     }
>     printf ("\n");
>> lt-test_security_null: test_security_null.cpp:87: int main(): Assertion
>> `rc
>> == 0' failed.
>> /bin/sh: line 5: 18558 Aborted                 (core dumped) ${dir}$tst
>> FAIL: test_security_null
> Presumably there is something already bound to port 9000, which the
> test case uses. It would be better if the test cases use ephemeral
> ports. Can you try changing to 5560 (for instance) and try again?
> There are 4 places to change in that test case.
> Thanks
> Pieter
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Pieter Hintjens
CEO of iMatix.com
Founder of ZeroMQ community
blog: http://hintjens.com

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