[zeromq-dev] FOSDEM devroom: Internet of Things
Pieter Hintjens
ph at imatix.com
Fri Oct 4 14:09:37 CEST 2013
Hi all,
Some of us in Brussels are organizing a FOSDEM Internet of Things devroom.
I'm posting the full message here. The website is at
Next February 2nd, we're organizing a [http://fosdem.org FOSDEM]
devroom for the Internet of Things. We're now calling for proposals.
Do you have an interesting project you'd like to present to 5,000+
free and open source developers?
++ Introduction
FOSDEM (Free and Open source Software Developers' European Meeting) is
a non-commercial, volunteer organized European event centered around
free and open source software development. It is aimed at developers
and anyone interested in the free and open source software movement.
It aims to enable developers to meet and to promote the awareness and
use of free and open source software.
FOSDEM is held annually during the first weekend of February at the
Université Libre de Bruxelles Solbosch campus, situated in the
southeast of Brussels, Belgium and easily reachable by public
transport from Brussels-Central railway station.
The FOSDEM devrooms are whole-day tracks focused on one topic, aimed
at developers. For the the first time, we're organizing an Internet of
Things devroom at FOSDEM. As Helen Duce said, "//We have a clear
vision: to create a world where every object -- from jumbo jets to
sewing needles -- is linked to the Internet.//"
Over 5,000 geeks come to FOSDEM. There's no better event in Europe for
reaching out to free and open source developers.
++ How to Submit a Proposal
If you have a project you'd like to present, or a talk you want to
give, please submit it via [https://penta.fosdem.org/submission
FOSDEM's Pentabarf] web tool. You will create an account (if you don't
have one from a previous year), and select the "Internet of Things
devroom" as the track.
We'll discuss and select talks on
[https://groups.google.com/forum/?hl=en#!forum/iot-devroom the Google
iot-devroom group]. Anyone who wants to join in the review process,
please just join that group. The organizers will take the final
decision on talks if there is no consensus.
We'll look for talks that include a technical/developer oriented
discussion or showcase covering one or more of the following topics:
* FOSS solutions for machine-to-machine communication on small embedded devices.
* Distributed FOSS applications in any field of interest for
autonomous/self-controlled devices, (e.g. domotics, automotive, etc.
* Presentation of embedded devices with one or more possibilities to
join a network.
* Infrastructure related (TCP/IP, mesh networking, message queuing,
cross-layer solutions).
* Real-life problematics and their solution (Cost of maintenance,
power management, reachability).
* Interoperability solutions for heterogeneous applications, devices,
protocols, media.
All presentations must be fully FOSS, and related to software development.
The devroom will last one day, with a welcome at 9:45, and talks from
10:00 to 17:00. Provisionally, talks will last 25 minutes each, and we
will have a brainstorming / hacking session from 15:30 to 17:00.
The goal is to make this devroom as interesting and diverse as
possible, which means we will favor talks that contrast each other.
For the hacking session, proposals are welcome. We will consider
running multiple parallel hacking sessions during the same time.
The deadline for submissions is December 1st. If you submit late, your
talk may still be considered but will have to be exceptionally
interesting. The program will be finalized by December 30th.
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