[zeromq-dev] Functionality of connect/disconnect bind/unbind

Apostolis Xekoukoulotakis xekoukou at gmail.com
Thu May 23 21:39:18 CEST 2013

Siam seems to have explained the reason. I doubt that there is anything you
can do.

There are 2 possible cases for this:
a) you know  beforehand that a connection will fail in which case you
preemptively stop sending msgs.
b) It happens out of the blue in which case you have already lost msgs, so
what does it matter if you lose some more.

2013/5/23 Trevor Bernard <trevor.bernard at gmail.com>

> Thanks for follow-up Siam.
> I thought I could get away with using POLL_OUT but alas, no luck.
> Is there any reason why the pending messages are destroyed?
> On Thu, May 23, 2013 at 7:58 AM, Siam Rafiee <siamraf at gmail.com> wrote:
>> This behaviour actually affects my system too (looks like we're modeling
>> failovers in the same way), so I followed this up on the #zeromq irc
>> channel, where guido_g helped clarify why this is happening.
>> [For those more familiar with Java-style syntax, I've reproduced the code
>> here http://pastebin.com/BD6kL20g ].
>> A zmq socket maintains a separate queue for each connected peer. When you
>> disconnect the PUSH socket from localhost:12345, that queue is destroyed
>> (along with any messages pending on it). When the PUSH socket is then
>> connected to the new endpoint, a new (empty) queue is created. Thus, only
>> "msg9" (which is sent after this queue is created) will be delivered when
>> the PULL side eventually binds at the new endpoint.
>> Cheers,
>> Siam
>> On 22 May 2013 23:58, Apostolis Xekoukoulotakis <xekoukou at gmail.com>wrote:
>>> Sorry, wrong answer.
>>> 2013/5/23 Apostolis Xekoukoulotakis <xekoukou at gmail.com>
>>>> You are probably disconnecting push before it is able to send the msgs.
>>>> 2013/5/23 Trevor Bernard <trevor.bernard at gmail.com>
>>>>> I'm using libzmq 3.2.3
>>>>> On Wed, May 22, 2013 at 12:05 PM, Trevor Bernard <
>>>>> trevor.bernard at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> What should the functionality be for the following scenario?
>>>>>> ;; Conceptually, assume push and pull sockets are different processes
>>>>>> (def ctx (zcontext 1))
>>>>>> (def ctx2 (zcontext 2))
>>>>>> (def push (-> (socket ctx :push)
>>>>>>               (connect "tcp://localhost:12345")))
>>>>>> (send push (.getBytes "msg1")) ;; true
>>>>>> (send push (.getBytes "msg2")) ;; true
>>>>>> (def pull (-> (socket ctx2 :pull)
>>>>>>               (bind "tcp://*:12345")))
>>>>>> ;; receive queued messages as expected
>>>>>> (String. (recv pull)) "msg1"
>>>>>> (String. (recv pull)) "msg2"
>>>>>> (close pull) ;; simulate loss of connection
>>>>>> (send push (.getBytes "msg3"))
>>>>>> (send push (.getBytes "msg4"))
>>>>>> (send push (.getBytes "msg5"))
>>>>>> (def pull2 (-> (socket ctx2 :pull)
>>>>>>                (bind "tcp://*:12345")))
>>>>>> ;; Again, received queued messages
>>>>>> (String. (recv pull2)) ;; "msg3"
>>>>>> (String. (recv pull2)) ;; "msg4"
>>>>>> (String. (recv pull2)) ;; "msg5"
>>>>>> (close pull2)
>>>>>> (send push (.getBytes "msg6")) ;; true
>>>>>> (send push (.getBytes "msg7")) ;; true
>>>>>> (send push (.getBytes "msg8")) ;; true
>>>>>>  ;; Simulate failover to a new endpoint
>>>>>> (disconnect push "tcp://localhost:12345")
>>>>>> (connect push "tcp://localhost:1337")
>>>>>> (send push (.getBytes "msg9")) ;; true
>>>>>> (def pull3 (-> (socket ctx2 :pull)
>>>>>>                (bind "tcp://*:1337")))
>>>>>> ;; Expected to receive msg6-9
>>>>>> (String. (recv pull3)) ;; "msg9"
>>>>>> I expected the messages to be queued up and to receive msg6..9 but
>>>>>> only received msg9. Are messages 6-8 lost?
>>>>>> -Trev
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>>>> --
>>>> Sincerely yours,
>>>>      Apostolis Xekoukoulotakis
>>> --
>>> Sincerely yours,
>>>      Apostolis Xekoukoulotakis
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Sincerely yours,

     Apostolis Xekoukoulotakis
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