[zeromq-dev] ZeroMQ Open port Issue

Federico Spagnolo federico.spagnolo at gmail.com
Mon May 20 10:47:54 CEST 2013

Hi all,

This is the second version of my previous message. I hope this will help to
understand better.

I'm just developing a C# client application that requests some data to some
I'm using ZeroMQ Client/Server pattern to perform this solution.

The servers are linked by wireless connection, so the connections are not
always guaranteed.
I noticed some problem using ZeroMQ when some communications expired with
the timeout.

In order to debug this problem, I created a simple project that call a
no-connected server.


Using a port sniffer, I noticed that a huge quantity of ports are opened
and not closed, as you can see by the attached file (shooted after
few requests). Only few ports refer to the server address while the others
refer to localhost.

Is it correct or something is wrong?

My software scenario is:

   - Windows 7 Home Edition 64 bit
      - Microsoft C# Express 2012
   - clrzmq version 3.0 downloaded by NuGet.
   - libzmq.dll compiled in C++ on my machine.

Using google is not simple to find some C# ZeroMQ support so I hope your
experience could help me.
Thanks in advance.
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