[zeromq-dev] DTLS over NetMQ

Doron Somech somdoron at gmail.com
Tue May 14 13:57:23 CEST 2013

Hi All,

Inspired by latest talking on securing zeromq I set down and developed DTLS
over NetMQ.

The API is very similar to the CurveZMQ, it's not yet merge to the main
repository. You can find the source code at

I covered most of the TLS 1.2 features, the main features from DTLS is
supporting unordered messages and only using block ciphers.

Because the similarity between NetMQ and clrzmq it can easily be merged
into clrzmq as well.

Also developing this library in another language with
openssl cryptography shouldn't be hard (I'm using .net native cryptography

It's still in early stage and need more testing. You can read more about
the library in my blog: http://somdoron.com/2013/05/securing-netmq/.

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