[zeromq-dev] Signaler.cpp hangs on windows intermittently

Felipe Farinon felipe.farinon at powersyslab.com
Mon May 6 20:32:41 CEST 2013

Why wasn't this patch released yet?

In my application i'm trying to fix it by using Mutex considering the 
case that waiting (WaitForSingleObject) on the mutex results in 
WAIT_ABANDONED. It seems that it has been fixed. Should I submit a patch?

Em 19/03/2013 16:45, Pau escreveu:
> Hi,
> I had this problem some weeks ago. This was my problem:
> I do not know all possible reasons to generate a fatal wsa_assert(..)
> but there is at least one:
> I have seen that in XP it is possible that line 301  rc = connect (*w_,
> (sockaddr *) &addr, sizeof (addr)); returns an error when a socket tries
> to connect to 5905 and this has happened many times.
> Windows uses port numbers starting near 1400 and XP has a limit at 5000.
> In W7 this does not look as a problem because maximum is 65000
> It sounds as if the number was big enough but apart from the fact that
> ZMQ uses a big number of connections (at least in my tests) I have
> experienced that Windows jumps port numbers by 7, so 5000 happens
> sometimes with catastrophic consequences.
> Perhaps there are other reasons (actually this problem does not happen
> like that in W7) anyway whatever crashes between
> HANDLE sync = CreateEvent (NULL, FALSE, TRUE, TEXT
> ("zmq-signaler-port-sync"));
> and
> SetEvent (sync);
> will leave the event signaled and any other application in the system
> will hang. Closing all apps in a system fixes it.
> KIU Shueng Chuan submitted a patch that sets the event when crash
> avoiding other applications to ge hanged:
> https://github.com/zeromq/libzmq/pull/514
> That worked for me...
> If you search for "zmq-signaler-port-sync" in previous mails in this
> list you will see the complete thread.
> best,
> Pau
> El 19/03/2013 17:18, Felipe Farinon escribió:
>> Hi,
>> The code
>> HANDLE sync = CreateEvent (&sa, FALSE, TRUE, TEXT
>> ("Global\\zmq-signaler-port-sync"));
>> in signaler.cpp:262 hangs intermittently when starting zeromq context
>> through zmq_init in my application. I'm not able to reproduce this bug
>> with a minimal test case. I'm running my application in a Windows 7 with
>> zeromq compiled with VS2010.
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