[zeromq-dev] striking difference in performance among ZeroMQ bindings.

Trevor Bernard trevor.bernard at gmail.com
Fri May 3 12:15:28 CEST 2013

Can someone provide their source? The JZMQ numbers seem off. Unless there
was a performance regression introduced since then. Also what version of
libzmq too.


On Fri, May 3, 2013 at 5:28 AM, MinRK <benjaminrk at gmail.com> wrote:

> I ran your tests on my Linux machine (amd64 Ubuntu 12.04, 12 GB RAM, i7
> 930),
> in case you are interested in more numbers
> (everything from git master)
> jzmq:
> It took 2.574 seconds to process 2000000 messages of size 10 Byte(s) in a
> batch
> 777000.7770007771 messages/second
> It took 1.856 seconds to process 500000 messages of size 1.0 KiloByte(s)
> in a batch
> 269396.5517241379 messages/second
> It took 2.673 seconds to process 125000 messages of size 10.0 KiloByte(s)
> in a batch
> 46763.93565282454 messages/second
> jeromq:
> It took 1.33 seconds to process 2000000 messages of size 10 Byte(s) in a
> batch
> 1503759.3984962406 messages/second
> It took 2.129 seconds to process 500000 messages of size 1.0 KiloByte(s)
> in a batch
> 234852.04321277596 messages/second
> It took 3.014 seconds to process 125000 messages of size 10.0 KiloByte(s)
> in a batch
> 41473.12541473126 messages/second
> PyZMQ (CPython 2.7 + Cython)
> It took 1.382134 seconds to process 150000 messages of size 10 Byte(s) in
> a batch
> 108527.827258  messages/second
> It took 1.627566 seconds to process 150000 messages of size 1.0
> Kilobyte(s) in a batch
> 92162.1611658  messages/second
>  It took 2.618599 seconds to process 150000 messages of size 10.0
> Kilobyte(s) in a batch
> 57282.539251  messages/second
> PyZMQ (PyPy 2.0b + CFFI)
> It took 1.614755 seconds to process 150000 messages of size 10 Byte(s) in
> a batch
> 92893.3491458  messages/second
> It took 1.674885 seconds to process 150000 messages of size 1.0
> Kilobyte(s) in a batch
> 89558.3875908  messages/second
> It took 4.030202 seconds to process 150000 messages of size 10.0
> Kilobyte(s) in a batch
> 37218.9781058  messages/second
> Making a few runs, most of these numbers fluctuate by about 10-20%
>  (I couldn't run labview)
> -Min RK
> On Thu, May 2, 2013 at 10:08 PM, crocket <crockabiscuit at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Anyhow, jzmq is somewhat slower than JeroMQ when processing small
>> messages.
>> The slowness that accompnies 10K messages was partly due to using swap
>> space on HDD.
>> On Fri, May 3, 2013 at 1:38 PM, crocket <crockabiscuit at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> There is a DEALER that sends messages and receives identical messages in
>>> a batch.
>>> There is the ROUTER that just sends back what it receives to the sender.
>>> I tested JeroMQ, labview-zmq, jzmq, and PyZMQ.
>>> The test source code is at
>>> https://github.com/crocket/ZeroMQThroughputTest
>>> To summarize the test results on a windows xp sp3 32bit system with 3GB
>>> RAM,
>>> for messages of 10 bytes, JeroMQ >> jzmq >>> PyZMQ >>> labview-zmq
>>> for messages of 1 kilobytes, JeroMQ = jzmq = PyZMQ >>> labview-zmq
>>> for messages of 10 kilobytes, JeroMQ = jzmq = PyZMQ = labview-zmq
>>> Below are the test results.
>>> Why is labview-zmq so slow when sending small messages?
>>> It's just a wrapper around libzmq like jzmq and PyZMQ.
>>> 1) JeroMQ
>>> It took 1.59 seconds to process 600000 messages of size 10 Byte(s) in a
>>> batch
>>> 376411.54 messages/second
>>> It took 35.81 seconds to process 600000 messages of size 1.0 KiloByte(s)
>>> in a batch
>>> 16754.16 messages/second
>>> It took 304.89 seconds to process 600000 messages of size 10.0
>>> KiloByte(s) in a batch
>>> 1967.92 messages/second
>>> 2) jzmq
>>> It took 4.63 seconds to process 600000 messages of size 10 Byte(s) in a
>>> batch
>>> 129729.73 messages/second
>>> It took 34.30 seconds to process 600000 messages of size 1.0 KiloByte(s)
>>> in a batch
>>> 17494.75 messages/second
>>> It took 48.36 seconds to process 100000 messages of size 10.0
>>> KiloByte(s) in a batch
>>> 2067.82 messages/second
>>> (If I try to send 600,000 messages of 10 kilobytes in a batch, it says
>>> "not enough space".)
>>> 3) PyZMQ
>>> It took 6.51 seconds to process 150000 messages of size 10Byte(s) in a
>>> batch
>>> 23021.58  messages/second
>>> It took 8.78 seconds to process 150000 messages of size 1.0Kilobyte(s)
>>> in a batch
>>> 17081.85  messages/second
>>> It took 73.78 seconds to process 150000 messages of size 10.0Kilobyte(s)
>>> in a batch
>>> 2033.03  messages/second
>>> 4) labview-zmq
>>> It took 11.79 seconds to process 40000 messages of size 10Byte(s) in a
>>> batch
>>> 3390.73  messages/second
>>> It took 13.70 seconds to process 40000 messages of size 1.0Kilobyte(s)
>>> in a batch
>>> 2919.04  messages/second
>>> It took 20.67 seconds to process 40000 messages of size 10.0Kilobyte(s)
>>> in a batch
>>> 1935  messages/second
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