[zeromq-dev] Integrating ZeroMQ sockets in a existing WaitForMultipleObjects pool

Felipe Farinon felipe.farinon at powersyslab.com
Thu Mar 28 13:27:34 CET 2013

Any ideas on this issue?

Em 21/03/2013 17:20, Felipe Farinon escreveu:
> Hi,
> I have a WaitForMultipleObjects pooling mechanisms that waits for 
> several things (for example, the handle of the process that has 
> spawned my process). I wish I could be able to integrate a ZeroMQ 
> socket in that pool.
> So, I created the following code: http://pastebin.com/M5jxWUGe. But I 
> was wondering:
> 1) 'dataSocket' has many messages arriving per second. If I put 
> another socket in this WaitForMultipleObjects poll, 'dataSocket' can 
> starve the new socket right? Is there a good workaround for this?
> 2) Is passing FD_ALL_EVENTS to ::WSAEventSelect the right way to do 
> it? I have tried using only FD_READ and it seemed that i didn't get 
> all the messages that were sent.
> 2) The do/while inside the event signaling handler is a consequence of 
> ZMQ_FD being edge-triggered instead of level-triggered. But I saw the 
> implementation of zmq_poll and it uses the same ZMQ_FD file 
> descriptor, but guarantees that it's behaviour is level-triggered. How 
> it could be achieved, seeing that it is the same ZMQ_FD being used?
> Thank you!

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