[zeromq-dev] C++ Majordomo Pattern

Pieter Hintjens ph at imatix.com
Tue Mar 26 21:29:06 CET 2013

Hi Frank,

I'm not sure what the status is of the C++ versions. I'd start with
the C ones and make sure they work. You can then replace client,
worker, and/or broker with the C++ version and any errors in the
translated versions will be clearer. Also, make sure you're using the
latest 3.2.x 0MQ package.


On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 9:19 PM, Frank Hartmann <soundart at gmx.net> wrote:
> Hi,
> After reading the zguide - which I liked a lot! It sounds so easy:) - I
> am now trying to get into 0mq by playing with an example and modifying
> it a bit and see how the changes influence things.
> I have now problems with the C++ majordomo example: It seems to break
> before I change anything.
> My first try was using the debian/experimental packages: zmq.hpp was
> missing, so I downloaded that file "lastest version" from the git web
> interface. Compiling was now possible, but the the process simply hung
> on my machine and never did do anything. tcpdump showed only few
> messages flowing for a short time. My system is mostly debian wheezy
> with g++ 4.7.2
> My second try was compiling the 0mq code myself. I have now better
> knowledge what I am using:
> $ (cd libzmq && git show)
> commit 01fef415753d00acca7200b60835fe4027adcdf6
> $ (cd play/zguide/ && git show)
> commit 4f79d323dc1051a87e7eb885672b558ff9c716b0
> $ (cd cppzmq/ && git show)
> commit b23297800389149ac37f19b7215fa4734d344998
> Compiling was relativly easy. Linking showed an unresolved symbol, which
> vanished after I added the 'rt' library to the linker. Using cmake I do:
> add_executable(mdworker zguide/examples/C++/mdworker.cpp)
> add_executable(mdbroker zguide/examples/C++/mdbroker.cpp)
> add_executable(mdclient zguide/examples/C++/mdclient.cpp)
> target_link_libraries(mdworker ${ZMQ_LIBRARY} rt)
> target_link_libraries(mdbroker ${ZMQ_LIBRARY} rt)
> target_link_libraries(mdclient ${ZMQ_LIBRARY} rt)
> The behaviour is different too: the mdbroker stops with an assertion as
> soon as I start the worker.
> $ /home/frank/0mq/fake_install/bin/mdbroker -v
> 13-03-26 20:16:13 I: MDP broker/0.1.1 is active at tcp://*:5555
> 13-03-26 20:16:35 I: received message:
> --------------------------------------
> [000]
> [000]
> [006] MDPW01
> [001] 01
> [004] echo
> mdbroker: /home/frank/0mq/build/play-prefix/src/play-project/zguide/examples/C++/mdbroker.cpp:233: worker* broker::worker_require(std::string): Assertion `identity.length()!=0' failed.
> Aborted
> My ideas now:
> I am doing something wrong:
> - Are the three versions 'ok' - do the versions of libzmq, zguide and
> cppzmq fit together?
> - Is there a special order required to start the pattern? I current do:
> 1. ${PREFIX}/bin/mdbroker -v
> 2. ${PREFIX}/bin/mdworker -v
> 3. ${PREFIX}/bin/mdclient -v
> Or is the C++ API is somehow broken. Or the examples? Please help!
> with kind regards
>   Frank
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