[zeromq-dev] Building ZMQ 3.2.2 with pgm on Windows

Emmanuel TAUREL taurel at esrf.fr
Mon Mar 18 15:38:06 CET 2013

Hello all,

We need to build several flavors of zeromq 3.2.2 with pgm for Windows.
We would like to have the PGM code included in  the zeromq lib as it is 
for Linux OS.
The different flavors are : VC9 - VC10 - Static linking - DLL - 32 bits 
- 64 bits....

Is there a recommended way to do this?
The solution file found in the builds/msvc distribution directory failed 
when I try to use "WithOpenPGM" configuration.
(Cannot open include file pgm/pgm.h)
I also do not see any PGM specific files in the list of files used to 
build the libzmq project.

Thank's for any hint


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