[zeromq-dev] zmq on Android via NDK

Florian Eckerstorfer Florian.Eckerstorfer at gmx.net
Mon Mar 18 11:13:01 CET 2013

I am developing on a MacBook Pro with OSX 10.7.5. I followed the steps from
the http://www.zeromq.org/build:android to build a static zmq.a Library,
unfortunately i can't build the whole Java-stuff, because I am always
getting an error at the configure step, but that's not the Problem.
I only need the c-stuff, because I'm developing native without java and just
wrap it. 
The thing is, I take the library and the zmq.h and zmq_utils.h and put them
into my uni-folder in my Android project, then I add the the Library in my
Android.mk-file. Because of al the goggling I've done I tried it in a lot of
different ways, but none of them seem to work. Currently I do it this way:

LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)

include $(CLEAR_VARS)

LOCAL_MODULE    := ImageBabbleJNI

LOCAL_SRC_FILES := imagebabbleJNI.cpp

LOCAL_LDLIBS += -llog -lm -ljnigraphics

LOCAL_CPPFLAGS = -std=gnu++11 -fpermissive -fexceptions



So the static library should work. In my project I am using the zmq.hpp also
and that's where all the errors are. A lot of undefined references

jni/core.hpp:178: error: undefined reference to 'zmq_strerror'

jni/zmq.hpp:78: error: undefined reference to 'zmq_strerror'

jni/zmq.hpp:258: error: undefined reference to 'zmq_term'

jni/zmq.hpp:74: error: undefined reference to 'zmq_errno'

jni/zmq.hpp:119: error: undefined reference to 'zmq_msg_init_size'

jni/zmq.hpp:317: error: undefined reference to 'zmq_close'

jni/zmq.hpp:369: error: undefined reference to 'zmq_msg_send'

jni/zmq.hpp:372: error: undefined reference to 'zmq_errno'

jni/zmq.hpp:200: error: undefined reference to 'zmq_msg_data'

jni/zmq.hpp:149: error: undefined reference to 'zmq_msg_close'

jni/zmq.hpp:149: error: undefined reference to 'zmq_msg_close'

jni/zmq.hpp:149: error: undefined reference to 'zmq_msg_close'

jni/zmq.hpp:149: error: undefined reference to 'zmq_msg_close'

jni/zmq.hpp:112: error: undefined reference to 'zmq_msg_init'

jni/zmq.hpp:193: error: undefined reference to 'zmq_msg_copy'

jni/zmq.hpp:200: error: undefined reference to 'zmq_msg_data'

jni/zmq.hpp:258: error: undefined reference to 'zmq_term'

jni/zmq.hpp:232: error: undefined reference to 'zmq_init'

jni/zmq.hpp:285: error: undefined reference to 'zmq_socket'

jni/zmq.hpp:340: error: undefined reference to 'zmq_bind'

jni/zmq.hpp:200: error: undefined reference to 'zmq_msg_data'

collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

I'm kind of stuck on this problem since the last 5 days and I don't know
what to do. As I mentioned earlier I tried all the different ways to include
the static lib, but none of them did work.

I hope you can help me

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