[zeromq-dev] License Compatibility Question

Pieter Hintjens ph at imatix.com
Sat Mar 9 08:06:28 CET 2013

On Sat, Mar 9, 2013 at 2:02 AM, Matt Shaver <matt at mattshaver.com> wrote:

> "I have asked the ZeroMQ steward, Pieter Hintjens, wrt to compatibility
> of a GPL2only project and ZMQ, and his answer was a straight 'no'.
> Maybe I didnt ask the right question, this is for sure worthwhile
> following up with Pieter in more detail."

I vaguely remember the question, it was from Michael Haberler on IRC,
but I seem to remember there was more to it than just calling the
library, and I don't have the IRC logs to check.

To be clear: you can use libzmq (and any other 0MQ project with the
same license) in a GPLv2 project, both as a dynamic library, and in a
static link. If you make patches, you need to publish them, as usual.
There's no reason there would be any restrictions for GPLv2 projects
since the license is designed to work with all application licenses
including commercial closed source.

If you need any help when it comes to using 0MQ, CZMQ, Zyre, etc. let me know.


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