[zeromq-dev] Looking for the best architecture

PICHARD, Guillaume guillaume.pichard at sogeti.com
Thu Mar 7 11:24:28 CET 2013

Hello everyone,

I read several times the Code Connected Volume, tried to look for my answer but I did not managed to find the best way to do this...so here is my question:

On one side, I have some "work provider" (sometimes 1, sometimes more that can come and go as they please). On the other side I have some "worker" (sometimes 1, sometimes more that can come and go as they please). The "work providers" are building work and this work is identified (ID in the message). Workers can take whatever work comes and process it. I have one constraint that is work process must be in the same order as work building. This is why I thought that I could have one middle man (proxy ? broker ? other ?) that will transfer work from providers to workers so that work with ID "A" will always be performed by the same worker.

Using ZeroMQ, is there any way that providers publish message "in the cloud" and that workers are asked to subscribe to some work "from the cloud" ? As workers can come offline I would need to know when a worker no longer process messages and therefore assign the work to another worker ?
I would like a solution that does not involve the middle man to subscribe to everything and then forward...


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