[zeromq-dev] clrzmq status

Niels Berglund niels.it.berglund at gmail.com
Sat Mar 2 06:46:59 CET 2013

As Frank, I am also interested in the state of the clrzmq project, and I
did have an email-conversation with the maintainer of clrzmq a couple of
days ago.

He told me that the project was absolutely not abandoned, but that for
various reasons he hadn't had time lately. He gathers he would get back
into it within a couple of weeks, but that initially the activity would be
low; mostly pull requests etc.

As a side note; what is happening with the netmq? As with clrzmq it seems
it is dormant, anyone knows?


On 22 February 2013 23:17, Frank Hale <frankhale at gmail.com> wrote:

> What is the current status of the clrzmq binding? The Github project
> hasn't been updated in 3 months and the nuget stable package is still for
> 2.2.5. I'm aware of the 3.0 RC1 but it was last updated November 6th.
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