[zeromq-dev] Problem compiling Zyre examples

Renato Samperio mintaka_alnitak at hotmail.com
Wed Jun 26 16:14:25 CEST 2013


As a result of our developers meeting at Brussels. I tried to give a shot to Zyre and I have a problem when compiling "examples" from Zyre GitHub. I did the same in an ubuntu Debian GNU/Linux 7.0 and Ubuntu 12.04:

1) Install, compile, run everythin as in script ".travis.yml" from Zyre git. Except libzmq that I guess I had already installed previously from TAR file when I installed ZMQ.

2) Modify header of "listener.c" and "sender.c" with "#include <zre_node.h>" instead of "#include <zre.h>".

As a result I have this error in both files (listerner and sender):
 error: unknown type name ‘zre_interface_t’

Complete error:

After some more minimal iterations (all give similar results), I compiled using:

$ gcc listener.c -o listener -lzre -lzmq -L/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/lib

The content of my system is:



I can't find the "zre_interface_t" in any of the packages that I compiled and installed. Any feedback is very welcome.

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