[zeromq-dev] possible bug in zframe.c ?

Rodolfo Damas damas.rodolfo at gmail.com
Thu Jun 20 07:38:11 CEST 2013

I don't see a problem with the code.. I'd think "..." and "" are just
literals with their own address allocated by compiler. 'elipsis' is just a
pointer that will point to one or the other depending on something else..
Bottom lne the compiler should assign(allocate) any string literals..

On Tue, Jun 18, 2013 at 4:08 AM, Laurent Alebarde <l.alebarde at free.fr>wrote:

>  Hi list,
> Studying the czmq library, I found a possible bug in zframe.c :
> ----- code begin ---------------
>     const char *elipsis = "";
>     if (size > max_size) {
>         size = max_size;
>         elipsis = "...";
>     }
> ----- code end ------------------
> I am not an expert, but it looks to me that the room for "..." has not
> been allocated. If my analysis is correct, a possible correction would be:
> ----- code begin ---------------
>     const char *elipsis = "...";
>     if (size > max_size) {
>         size = max_size;
>     }
>    else {
>         elipsis = "";
>    }
> ----- code end ------------------
> Cheers,
> Laurent
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