[zeromq-dev] How to do a load/stress test on a router socket?

Pieter Hintjens ph at imatix.com
Wed Jun 19 09:03:36 CEST 2013

Hi Michael,

There's a discussion on this in Chapter 8 of the Guide. It's not easy
because one machine will tend to run out of memory before it hits any
other limit.

My advice is: first off, use Linux, and secondly, raise the
per-process limits. Then, instead of running many instances of real
clients, you can create test clients that send large volumes of
messages, for example. If your messaging is properly wrapped as an API
you can build test clients more easily.

For any larger scale testing you will want multiple machines.


On Wed, Jun 19, 2013 at 5:44 AM, Michael Scofield <bayinamine at gmail.com> wrote:
>   Say I have a router socket on a server. The server can reply to its
> clients through the router socket. Each client is using a dealer socket to
> connect to the server.(Yes, this is an online-game architecture.)
>   Now I want to do a load/stress test on this server.
>   So I created lots of client in my pc. Each client is represented as a
> thread, and has its own zmq context and a dealer socket that connect to the
> router socket on the server. Everything works fine when the amounts of
> clients are below 100. However, when I try to create lots more
> clients(>500), it just quickly ran out of memory when creating the
> clients(threads).
>   I googled the solution but found none.
>   Best regards.
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