[zeromq-dev] Project converted to zeromq

Erik Aronesty erik at q32.com
Sat Jun 1 02:37:41 CEST 2013

grun was a bloated project.  It's been slimmed down, sped up and is working
well with zeromq.   I know it's a terribly hacked-up use of messaging
(noteably the lack of flow control, lack of a consistent interface to the
layer, etc.), but porting the tool a) worked, and it b) helped.


Which is more than I can say for most messaging products.

It's is a job scheduling engine like SGE and others written entirely in
perl with zeromq.   It can be heavily customized.   What's notable is the
lack of any decent scheduling at all.   It's more of a "job bucket".   The
infrastructure is pretty stable, I'm going to add tests for arbitrary
metrics, labels, and other stuff soon before I even thing about the queue.
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