[zeromq-dev] Distributed tracing and 0mq

gonzalo diethelm gdiethelm at dcv.cl
Fri Jul 19 17:23:00 CEST 2013

To the list: I seem to remember the topic of plain UDP support under ZeroMQ has come up before. Is anybody thinking about this or on it? Maybe as transport support for PUB/SUB socket types only, given the unreliability?

Best regards,

Gonzalo Diethelm
DCV Chile

From: zeromq-dev-bounces at lists.zeromq.org [mailto:zeromq-dev-bounces at lists.zeromq.org] On Behalf Of gonzalo diethelm
Sent: Friday, July 19, 2013 11:19 AM
To: ZeroMQ development list
Cc: Wojtek Sliwinski
Subject: Re: [zeromq-dev] Distributed tracing and 0mq

Hi Wojtek,

Interesting paper. There are several spots in the architecture where you could add / replace with ZeroMQ, although UDP support (probably plain, unordered, non-guaranteed) would be a must for this use case.

Apache Camel is an awesome piece of software, but it feels like after a version 1.0 (prototype, whatever), you could migrate to something leaner and more ad-hoc to your requirements.

ActiveMQ seems the heavy piece in the architecture; maybe a judicious use of PUB/SUB could be a replacement for it.

Again, very interesting use case. Best regards,

Gonzalo Diethelm
DCV Chile

From: zeromq-dev-bounces at lists.zeromq.org<mailto:zeromq-dev-bounces at lists.zeromq.org> [mailto:zeromq-dev-bounces at lists.zeromq.org] On Behalf Of Wojtek Sliwinski
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2013 1:11 PM
To: ZeroMQ development list
Subject: Re: [zeromq-dev] Distributed tracing and 0mq

We implemented tracing at CERN using STOMP (over UDP) and Apache Camel (as a converter and broker).

Here is the corresponding paper depicting the architecture:

One day it would be nice to have support for UDP in 0MQ, for non-reliable, high throughput messaging.


From: Steven McCoy <steven.mccoy at miru.hk<mailto:steven.mccoy at miru.hk>>
Reply-To: ZeroMQ development list <zeromq-dev at lists.zeromq.org<mailto:zeromq-dev at lists.zeromq.org>>
Date: Tuesday, July 9, 2013 22:29
To: <zeromq-dev at lists.zeromq.org<mailto:zeromq-dev at lists.zeromq.org>>
Subject: [zeromq-dev] Distributed tracing and 0mq

Has anyone implemented distributed tracing with 0mq?  I'm looking at Zipkin (and Tryfer for Python) for a means of instrumenting 0mq messages with performance metadata.

It's buzzword city and Google's research paper isn't helping too much:http://research.google.com/pubs/pub36356.html

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