[zeromq-dev] tcp vs zeromq

ashwini ramamurthy ashwini.ram21 at gmail.com
Fri Jul 12 19:51:44 CEST 2013

Hi All,

To compare the performance of zeromq and tcp  I did the following

*Experimental setup for zeromq *

   -  android client(Motorola razr) which runs jeromq.
   -  java server(PC running Linux) which runs java binding of zeromq
   -  Using the REQUEST-REPLY messaging pattern
   - Sending 100/1000 messages to the server and 100/1000 messages to
   client (synchronous)
   - The client sends a hello message and waits for a reply from the server
   to send another message(ping-pong)
   - The server waits for a message and replies with a hello for every
   message sent
   - Both the devices were connected through wifi
   - *On an avg:For 100 messages the time taken was 937 msec*
   - *On an avg:For 1000 messages the time taken was 8270 msec*

*Experimental setup for TCP*

   - android client (Motorola razr)
   - java server (PC running Linux)
   - Using a REQ-REP pattern(ping-pong)
   - Sending 100/1000 messages to the server and 100/1000 back to
   - Same as above, client sends a hello message to server and waits to
   receive a world message before sending the next message.
   - Both the devices were connected through wifi
   - *On an avg:For 100 messages the time taken was 504 msec*
   - *On an avg:For 1000 messages the time taken was 5240 msec*

Is this excepted? or am i missing something or doing something wrong?


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